Friday 8 March 2013

House GOP Proposes Healthcare Conscience Act

A trio of Republican congressmen has introduced a measure called the Health Care Conscience Rights Act.

The measure, introduced by Reps. Diane Black, R-Tenn., Jeff Fortenberry, R-Neb., and John Fleming, R-La., is designed to protect the rights of pro-life employers, insurers and medical workers.

The idea is to give them the right to go to court if they're forced to take part in procedures that violate their religious or moral beliefs.

It would give greater protection to nurses like Catherine Censon-DeCarlo. She says she was forced to take part in abortion in 2009 even though the hospital knew of her objections as a practicing Catholic.

Four years later, she says she still has nightmares from the procedure.

"I feel strongly about caring for the sick and about giving life and being true to my calling as a nurse," Censon-DeCarlo said. "And to be forced to do this was an anathema. It's everything that you thought was not in America."

The move is solely a GOP effort spear-headed by a handful of House Republicans.

They have asked House leadership to include the act in the upcoming continuing resolution to fund the government. Leadership has not said whether they will grant that request.


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