Sunday 16 September 2012

Evolution of Wireless Technology

First generation (1 g) of wireless communication technology which is a type of analog modulated signals a higher frequency to transmit a signal from a mobile device to another via the base station. Different standards have been developed in different areas, some name-amps (advanced mobile phone system), NMT (Nordic mobile telephone) in Eastern Europe, TACS (total access communications system) in England.

But the golden age of wireless mobile application development started in 1980, where technology and GSM (global system for mobile communications), European standard, launched the first parallel market. This digital communication system?s second generation (2 g) that brought a significant milestone for making long distance communications technology advances possible and easier to use. Cellular equipment providers and telecommunications operators with benefitted from increasing demand for mobile users.

GSM, the exchange of voice calls and SMS (short messaging system) by using a mobile device or portable became popular around the world. Its real-time and reliable transfer of information captured the attention of many users, because the cost of the services, even when voice calls and SMS billing per minute for all sent messages, as well as hardware requirements, such as SIM card to a mobile phone, are the smallest consumers longing for effective and reliable communications technology. As a result of further study, GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) was known batshaim. This is the beginning of data connectivity through the Internet or wireless communications. As consumers became enticed their access to email, browsing Web sites, chat with their phone, was among the service providers-a great challenge and bit rates of immigration, the throughput for faster data transfer. It is an edge, or as enhanced data rate for global evolution, introduced. With this development, cellular providers were required to cope up with the requirements and also parallel efforts of creating mobile phones are compatible with these technologies. Handheld designed to match the voice call, send text services, downloading data, browsing the Web with a user-friendly interface.

In the summer of 2000, which is working on wireless technology specification is assigned to an international group 3GPP (3 g partnership program), which is responsible for research, application of abode-technology UMTS (universal mobile telecommunications system) 3 g wireless (3 g). It offers a new service called circuit-switched video enhanced data rate up to 384 kbps. Not far from the launch of 3 g, HSDPA (high speed download packet access) reached the scene, offering up to 14.4 Mbps data rate for mobile subscribers.

Within these two decades, the growth of mobile application development is continually changing, and became so widespread that it affects the life of most people in any country regardless of age and social group. The services of wireless technologies has developed the requirements of mobile users. Because of this, additional telecommunications technique called WiMax or worldwide interoperability for microwave is now using operators in some countries of Asia, us. Not as simple as it sounds, this technology offers that in a few years, the delivery of Internet access all over the world without any wires is possible, not only to mobile phones, but also for laptop computers, handheld devices, and all the living room.


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