Friday 21 December 2012

Today on New Scientist: 20 December 2012

Spider builds giant decoy of itself

A naturalist trekking in Peru has spotted a spider that builds a huge decoy doppelganger out of leaves and dead insects

How to reduce the toll from US gun violence

In the wake of last week's massacre at a school in Connecticut, it is time to look to the data for what works in reducing gun violence, says Peter Aldhous

Laser cookery makes your food more fun

Melted bacon and toast with QR codes burned into it are just two ideas for how laser cutters could change the way we cook and eat

Fetal healing: Curing congenital diseases in the womb

Imagine curing inherited conditions before they even arise. We have the gene and stem-cell therapies to do it now - if only we dare use them on unborn babies

Best videos of 2012: Experience a trip into a wormhole

Watch what a journey through a wormhole would look like, as we reach number 7 in our countdown of the top videos of the year

The top 10 science books of 2012

New Scientist's pick of books published this year that you should not miss

2013 Smart Guide: New maps to rein in cosmic inflation

Results from the Planck satellite will further our grasp of the driving force behind the early universe's blisteringly fast expansion

Fail-safe software could stop flash crashes

Emergency "circuit breaker" software might prevent sudden swings in financial markets caused by high-speed trading algorithms

Human hands evolved so we could punch each other

Suitability for punching may have driven our hands to evolve differently from those of other primates

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