Wednesday 31 October 2012

Let's try my luck this time

*cracks knuckles and clears throat*

Well goodbye if you are not into realistic settings.
If you are, then good.
Let's continue this conversation.

*offers a drink* No?

Okay! Well are you sure you are passionate enough to make a realistic themed story work?

I'm actually looking for just 3 people, since I'm going to fill up one spot already.
My idea may sound cliche but I'm actually targeting something that could be serious.
The story is basically simple and ordinary but requires patience and dedication.

The story.

2 girls who exists with different lives happens to spend one summer together. Girl 1 was 1/2 of the twin children of a successful couple. He had Boy 1 as her twin and the two were fortunate enough to be born in a prominent family. The summer before their first year in high school, their parents have decided to buy a summer house by a secluded beach area. And being a family that requires a lot of helpers, the couple have decided to bring one house helper but soon found out that one simply could not do. So they hired a local. The local woman was actually the mother of Girl 2, they've lived a simple life by the small town all their lives. Her biological father had abandoned her mother when she was just 5 months in the womb. Her mother had to fend for her own and was somehow successful by leading a simple life.

That is when the two girls met, awkward silence at first but the two soon got along very well. They would spend nights camping under the stars and roasting marshmallows. Discovering hidden paths and swimming in the cold spring, collecting sea shells and sealing a message in a bottle on the their last night together. Every one thought it was adorable of the two girls to find friendship over the summer- everyone except Mother 1. She always thought that girl 2 and her mother were taking advantage of their "kindness" so every time she would see Girl 2, she'd sneer. But Girl 1 and Boy 2 did their best to protect and defend Girl 2.

Soon summer was ending, girl 1 had to go back to her usual life and begin her high school life while girl 2 remains at her little town's public school but the two of them promised to keep in touch through e-mails and occasional phone calls.

Soon the girls were exchanging letters every week, talk over the phone during special days like birthday or Christmas until the next summer arrived. The two were back in each other's arms and spent gushing about their crushes and experiences.

It was a cycle for 2 more years and on the summer after their graduation, Girl 2 found herself falling for Boy 1. But she kept it to herself, she didn't want her best friend to know about her hidden feelings for it might ruin their friendship. That summer, Girl 1 also revealed her plans of studying abroad. Leaving both of them sad but happy about her decision to venture the world on her own. It was also the summer where Boy 1 had given Girl 2 her first kiss.

The day for Girl 1 to finally board her plane to another country came, they hugged each other tightly and cried like little girls.

As they once again exchanged emails and phone calls, Girl 2 was given an opportunity by Girl 1 and Boy 2's parents to work for their father as an executive assistant. Everyone was okay with the arrangement and thought that it would be a big help for Girl 2- again, everyone except for Mother 1.

There, girl 2 and boy 1 became closer without anyone knowing. They started falling for each other but kept the secret since Mother 1 was totally against Girl 2.

After more than a year, Girl 1 surprised everyone by suddenly spending her vacation with her family. She has changed a lot, she looked more inhibited and liberated. Very far from her Daddy's little princess look. She also brought along her latest boyfriend. A guy who was a local from the place of the country she studies at and claims that he was the one who found the message in the bottle that Girl 1 and Girl 2 had released in the ocean during their 1st Summer together.

And with this vacation a lot was revealed when they go back to the Summer House.

-Girl 1, Boy 1 and Mother 1 finds out that their father/husband is having an affair with Mother 2.
-Boy 1 and Girl 2's relationship would be known by Mother 1 and goes ballistic
-Girl 2 finds out that Girl 1 is struggling with an issue (maybe drugs, health, etc)
-Boy 2 had been lying about "finding the message" in a bottle but is serious with his feelings with Girl 1.
-Girl 1 starts to hate Girl 2 because of Mother 2's affair with her father.
-Girl 2 finds a new friendship with Boy 2, which makes Girl 1 and Boy 1 jealous.
- etc.



This RP would gradually grow from their first summer until it reaches the "present" time. So we're going to pretend that they met each other during 2004.

Characters that would need to be filled up:

Boy 1- he would be like a boy next door kind of guy. Smart, funny and is serious into becoming like his father whom he idolizes so much. (Face Claim suggestion:Matt Dallas)
Girl 2- She's shy and nice. exact opposite of Girl 1. Patient and understanding. Really really pretty girl. (Face Claim suggestion: Ruslana Korshunova)
Boy 2- He's a local from where Girl 1 studies. He accidentally read Girl 1's diary and found the part about the Message in a Bottle. He used it to make her fall for her. He was supposed to admit the truth but soon got afraid that he will lose Girl 1 if he did. He's sort of a bad boy, nomad type of guy who loves to travel and lives a care free life. He is exactly who Girl 1 wants to be- free. He's handsome as well ;p (Face Claim suggestion:Steven Strait)

So generally I'm taking Girl 1- unless you can prove that you can do her justice then I'm taking Girl 2 (Alexandra Daddario)


If you want to make this work, PM Me! If you have other suggestions or comments- tell me and I'll discuss it with you!

Thanks for your time and I truly appreciate it.


grammy nominations lil boosie bobbi kristina brown new edition austerity rihanna and chris brown back together pebble beach

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