Thursday 28 June 2012

Nasri Apologizes Over Controversial Insults | Morocco World News

By Jamal Saidi

Morocco World News

Casablanca, June 28, 2012

French football player, Samir Nasri, has apologized for insulting a reporter after the defeat of his team by the Spanish team in the quarterfinals during Euro 2012. His outburst has made headlines for days.

?Too many untruths circulate at the moment. May the fans, and the children in particular, know that I regret sincerely that my words may have shocked,? the player wrote on Twitter, according to Reuters.

Nasri was involved in a foul-mouthed dispute with French reporters. His first provocative act was when he made a ?shush? gesture to journalists from ?L? Equipe,?- a French daily newspaper. The player did this after he scored the goal that tied a game against England, during France?s opening game of the Euro.

Nasri?s second incident with reporters occurred when a journalist asked for a statement. The following is the exchange between the player and the reporter:

Nasri: ?You are looking for shit, you are looking for trouble.?

Reporter: ?Well get lost, then ??

Nasri: ?You tell me to get lost? Come and we?ll sort it out over there.?

Reporter: ?That?s it ??

Nasri: ?F*** you, go f*** your mother, you son of a b****. F*** you, that way you can say I?m rude.?

The above exchange was the last straw that broke the camel?s back.

After this behavior, the French Sports minister Val?rie Fourneyron, ordered the French Football Federation to take necessary disciplinary action against the player for his poor behavior.

As a result of the inappropriate behavior the Federation is considering banning Nasri from playing for France for the next two years.

Aware of the risk he is facing, the player went on explaining his position. ?I love the French team, I love football and I have deep respect for the fans. For the rest, it?s a personal matter between me and some journalists. I will explain myself in due time,? Nasri said.

Edited by Laura Cooper

? 2012 Morocco World News. All Rights Reserved

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